My name is Dylan Weimer and I am a Talent Acquisition Partner for Bancroft. When I think about being my authentic self at work, to me it means that I don’t have to pretend to be someone else. It means I don’t have to hide being an openly gay man in the workplace.
I’ve found the ability to do that – to be myself – at Bancroft and I feel so lucky.
Why is it important to be your authentic self at work?
It’s important for your own mental health. When you put up barriers and feel like you’re trying to be someone you’re not, it’s draining and stressful. There’s nothing worse than lying to yourself and not being true to who you are. It’s both mentally and physically exhausting; my throat would literally hurt from making my voice deeper during the day when I was hiding.
When I applied to Bancroft I told myself, “I’m tired of pretending to be someone I’m not, and I won’t do it anymore.” When I came to Bancroft over a year ago I made sure to mention in my first interview that I had a boyfriend.
I got tired of hiding the real me and now I feel free that I can be my authentic self here; I am not scared anymore. I’ve met a lot of accepting people and I am so lucky to be supported and surrounded with positivity.

Tell us about your journey.
I came out in high school. Coming out is a journey, and when I came out it was like an entirely new world for me. I didn’t have to try and keep my voice deep anymore, I was free to walk and talk and be myself. Coming out is ongoing with every new job or person you meet. So each time you introduce yourself as your authentic self you become more confident doing it. I am upfront now with everyone from the moment I meet them and it’s refreshing.
Any final words?
This is not a “lifestyle.” This is me. To me, inclusion is SO important. I don’t want to be treated differently; I want to be treated the same as everyone else.
My advice is to be yourself for YOURSELF. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you; it’s not about them. It’s about what’s comfortable for you and what comes naturally. I was always so worried about what other people thought of me, and I realized over time that none of that matters. I am here for one thing and that’s for our mission and for the individuals we support; nothing else should matter.
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